Thursday, July 25, 2013


It is part of human nature that we all yearn for that connection with another human being. That connection varies in levels.

Some long for that physical connection, and this physicality further varies in degrees. While some may find a warm handshake or a tight hug or a pat on the back physically stimulating, others prefer a more sexual physical compatibility of satisfying their innermost fantasies and lustful pleasures.

Some long for that intellectual connection – that friend you can talk with for hours and hours, or that person whom you rarely see but would be there for you during your most vulnerable moments. Some even prefer that connection with a stranger whom you can tell your deepest darkest secrets, and that stranger is able to tell you as it is, no biases, no judgments. Some view this as a person whom you can discuss your different points of view or theories in life with. Or perhaps someone whom you share the same interests or ideologies with.

Some long for that emotional connection. Someone who understands what you’re going through, perhaps because that other person underwent the same or similar events in his or her life or just because that other person is a ready ear willing and able to listen. Someone whom you could cry with, be angry at, or just be silent with: no words are needed to be said for you to be comfortable and at ease with each other. The fact that the other person is there is enough.

No matter how much a person wishes to be alone at times, deep inside, what every person needs is a connection in whatever form, be it deep or merely superficial, with someone else in his life.


Mugen said...

Noticed that as we mature, connections become discriminating, our social circles more detached.

Soul Yaoi said...

Very true bwe need all connections to be well rounded.