Friday, August 16, 2013

Shattered Dreams

I used to call them shattered dreams.

Contrary to the popular advertisement, impossible is not nothing. Sometimes, restraints, physical or otherwise, truly render some dreams unrealizable. For, how can a child stricken with brain cancer ever fulfill his or her dreams of becoming a doctor and finding a cure for the sickness that has befallen him or her? And how can a person of unsound and unstable mind ever find a profession in the real world without fear of triggers of violent tendencies or the like? So many factors need to be considered when “aiming for the stars” and “reaching your dreams.”

This mindset is not exactly being negative about one’s aspirations in life. In the end, we should not view them as shattered dreams. We just learn to be realistic, and dream dreams that are within one’s reach. It’s not a complete surrender of aiming for the stars. Rather, it is an acceptance of who we are, and of the limitations given us. And in doing so, that’s what will truly make us content and happy.

Continue to dream. No dream is ever shattered if it were impossible to achieve to begin with.

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